April 21, 2011


...its a touchy subject. Personally i hate the whole ideology of it, but the catch 22 is that we live in a capitalist society. Short of becoming a tree hugging hippie, moving to the Bloomfield, and roaming around in a lap lap, you have to, to some degree, live somwhere within its dictated constarints to survive with any manner of dignity. Luckily Nightfall has been running in the red since day one, so no moral dilemnas there, just yet.
Anyway onto the riddle. Study this picture, then head to the link and watch the video, and by watch it, i mean actually take note of the small details.

If the grey matter matter between your ears is developed enough, then you will get it. If not, then it doesnt really matter anyway. Bottom line is (besides the riddle in there) that you should think about where your money is actually going and the ongoing repercutions of your actions. After all, despite what the world would have you believe, money isnt everything!
Hope everyone has a happy and safe Easter break!

April 20, 2011


Thats it! Im going digging when i get back after easter. Look at that place...amazing!
(Poached from thecomeup...cause thats what we do when we got no news.)

April 15, 2011


Couldnt watch this at work, cause my flash player is dead as a door nail. Therefore i had to update this post. Guess ya's didnt have to hold ya breath that long after all. Yeh Dylan! you the man, happy 18th for tomorow!.....Say goodbye to ya riding career an say hello to ya drinking career. haha.Thanks to that fucked out invention they call facebook, i was able to poach these photos of our latest prodical son: Dylan Lewis. Good god! Apparently he is filming to, but at the rate Nightfall gets things done, i wouldnt hold your breath....ill let the photos do the rest of the talking!

April 10, 2011

Kraken is back!

So stoked on this one! After a long hiatus, mad shredder and all round nice guy Bryan Annandale has dusted off the screens and has Kraken BMX cranking again. The new shirts are striped, and if you get yourself a patch, you can probably pretend you are a pirate. It also comes with a zine. And for a measly 25$, you honestly cant go wrong. Hit him up at bryan_annandale@hotmail.com, but be quick, as that shits limited.

Bryan, doing it for Atherton, back in the day.