January 24, 2011

Australia day.

If you dont have a bone in your body called a humerus, and you dont understand what the term "satire" means, then you'd best not watch this, because you just wont get it.
Hope everyone has a happy and safe day off on Wednesday.

January 16, 2011

Sprocket/stems samples

So we will be giving these a test run in the next few weeks, make some minor adjustments, then hopefully we will get em out there. For more photos check our facebook page (you dont have to befriend us, you just have a look if you like).

January 10, 2011

This is bmx!

Holy shit, maybe one day we will make an edit this awesome. But i highly fucking doubt thats possible! I dunno if its cause ive had 12 beers, but i honestly thought this was one of the best things ive ever seen. Micheal Jackson and BMX, who would have thought! Thanks hellonwheels.(fully hijacked your content, apologies)