July 27, 2010


...is fucking awesome! They happen to have shop which is two states and about a million miles from here. But despite the distance and the fact that none of the guys are probably gonna make it, Rhysty still offered to send up a box full of awesome shit to give away. Next time someone asks who is supporting BMX in oz, you'll know the answer (www.backbonebmx.com.au). Thanks heaps! And for something not so awesome...check the weather outlook for the rest of the week. Shit, shit, and shit...excellent! If all else fails, everyone bring a poncho and shovel, because the party will go on!

July 26, 2010

Rain, rain, rain....

...please fuck off! 5 days to go.

July 24, 2010

July 20, 2010

Cairns represent...

...found a couple of edits floating round the www. Ex Cairns-ite Jack Elkins shredding monster skatepark and Cairns local ripper Chris James ripping our esplanades finest....nice work lads!

July 19, 2010

More updates....

...so here is a couple of pics of some newish stuff happening. This is pretty much the new shirt design. Picture on the front, text on the back. In all the gayest colours of the rainbow haha...dont worry, we got black to.

And this is the updated sprocket(same same but different). If you can understand a technical drawing then it will make sense. If not, basicly we have made it simpler, and lighter with some internal machining in the arms. Due to the fact that capitalism is gay as fuck, and we are sinking like a rock, we will most probably be getting a batch of these done in Taiwan. With possibly, a small Aussie optional batch for the die hards (of which we have found there are very few). There is also one other minor detail that will be differnt, but you will have to wait and see what that is when the time comes.

Moonlite jam: 12 days to go! Oh almost forgot. Thanks heaps to Jimmy Rostlund at Eject bmx for picking up what i was putting down, and being the deadliest, maddest, and most efficient draftsmen this side of Stockholm. Check out his blog at www.ejectbmx.com

Ramble over...im out.

July 14, 2010

Stem update...

...been sitting on this for a loooong time. Thinking....fucking around....making some adjustments....thinkin some more, pretty sure this is the final design. Just waiting to see if we can get some finite analysis done. So like we said, samples will be done some time before the end of the 21st century.
(updated sprockets coming soon to) 17 days to go!

July 13, 2010


...got a few trucker caps done, so if anyone is keen hit us up! Extremely limited! (as in what you see is what we got). 45 bucks to ya door (ozzie wide). Sorry about the bullshit price, but i couldnt find anyone in Australia who makes a good trucker cap, so they had to come from America. And i also need money to pay the tittie girls, so you know its for a good cause. Moonlite jam...18 days to go!


OK once again a little off topic, but this was too good not to share!